An elite collection of the worlds best producing show jumping stallions from Europe available via frozen semen in North America from Tallin Farm. Each of these stallions has been hand selected based upon not only their own performance success, but the success their offspring are showing in sport. These stallions are horses we would like to utilize in our own breeding program and we are happy to be make them available for other North American breeders as well.
All frozen semen is priced per dose or per straw. However we are pleased to offer a LFG backup breeding to our stallion Carmargue if you are unable to obtain a pregnancy with frozen semen purchased from Tallin Farm. This is a $1,250 value and you are only responsible for the collection fee and shipping. Please feel free to contact us for any additional information about the stallions. We also welcome inquiries from mare owners who would like assistance in stallion selection for their mares.
Our frozen semen order form can be accessed here.